This merge request has been a beast, and sadly, the ending is not the one I would've preferred. However, a lot of time was spent on this, and a lot of effort was poured into it, so even though I couldn't get everything I wanted, the outcome is still substantially better than before.
Let's provide a little preface before we continue. My blog post this week will be very brief compared to my traditional blog posts. I've been dealing with some pesky health issues this week that have affected a lot of things for me, from food consumption to digestion issues to general body weakness, it's been a lot. To add onto this, it has also spurred a rather severe form of insomnia so my ability to work effectively has taken a massive toll as compared to normal. You can see this by the timestamps on my commits.
Safe to say, I'm in a bit of a rut right now, but with hope, I'll be back to normal soon and will be able to pour my best effort into continuing to fix bugs and get some of the issues present on the board taken down.
Now, onto the changes with this merge request, as the outcome of it has changed. Sadly, two issues will still be present after this issue closes. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been pouring in constant effort to attempt to fix this popping audio bug, however, any fix I provide doesn't get it. I've done many different solutions, from new drain flags to partitioning how much data is sent to the server, all the way to even corking the stream before flushing the buffer in an attempt to rid it of popping when the audio stops. Even with all of these changes, nothing seems to work, and the issue still persists. Even more frustrating is that the PipeWire support is affected by some of these edits, particularly the drain flag and corking. Both "fixes" result in the audio cutting off early or sounding more distorted for PipeWire, which leads me to believe that those solutions aren't correct and won't help the overall PipeWire/PulseAudio compatibility I'm seeking for the library.
So, with that, those changes have been reverted.

The last attempt I could throw is writing over what the polling write size gives for the server side of PulseAudio. This could fix it because this is exactly what GMusic does. Since GMusic relies on the streaming buffer size, PulseAudio has to support this buffer size on the server side. Something else to note is when I was making PulseAudio print out the write size it allowed initially, it supported only up to the sample rate. If you need to get more familiar with audio, the sample rate is how many samples make up a single second in audio. So PulseAudio was only allowing 1 second of audio to be written. This is a little problematic as writing just a second could cause skipping or more issues since the code to write to the stream itself could take longer than a second. GMusic doesn't suffer from this, however, since it writes the streaming buffer size, which is around ~65,000 bytes. This gives GMusic more than enough time to process and calculate what it needs to before it needs to write to the stream again. Pretty useful.
Possibly, as a theory, this is what GSound is suffering from. However, I won't be sure until I test it.
That will probably be my last attempt to fix this issue. By Monday, I will be finalizing the refactoring I've done, and the fixes I have made, before merging it completely. Even though I could fix the issue initially targeted, I was able to greatly modernize the code and bring it up to speed with C++11. I also improved much of the memory safety with the usages of `unique_ptr`, though this safety to performance won't be felt until C++17 for library developers, since `constexpr` is not introduced for `unique_ptr`s until C++14/17. Thankfully, those using the library can enjoy high performance and memory safety since this is a single header library, thus it will only compile when the user builds their application (which tends to default to C++14/17 now).
In total, there were over 93 commits, and almost 1,000 lines of code changed.
This took a lot of effort and focus to get all the changes implemented, and overall, I'm happy with the results. Though, as I mentioned, I would've liked to have seen this popping issue fixed. I have that last theory I can test, but if it doesn't fix the issue, it will have to sit unsolved for a little while longer.
While this blog post doesn't go over any problems I faced and acts more as an overview of the last month and a half of work I've done on this single interface, I feel it is worth writing all of this. Not just for me, but for others who may have to approach my code in the future. This way they know what I've tried and tested. It will help check off a lot of things from the list, and help them with diagnosing and coming up with solutions. I'm fine with that.
So what am I doing after this merge request? Well, I'm going to be focusing on implementing a universal WAV file reader, that incorporates a more C++-compliant structure to everything, as well as providing proper safety checks for everything. There were several safety checks that the old system didn't have.
There are also a lot of odd choices in terms of how the file is read for each implementation, particularly with GSound and GMusic. One will read all the data, and the other will read the file twice (if I'm not mistaken). Once for the header information, and another time to find the stream data. I find this odd and feel there could be a class for this, something that you can control to simply load all the data for you, or get a nice index/pointer to the data.
Besides that, the next issue to focus on after the quick implementation of the WAV file reader will be the long-awaited ghost windows that are plaguing Mac. I'm not sure how well I'll do tackling it, as I have no experience in Objective-C, but I should get the hang of everything relatively quick. At the end of the day, any C language compiles to the same assembly, so I should be okay.
With that, this is all I have to give for the blog post this week. I wish I could've done more, but my health has been in constant waves this entire week, so I'm having to balance everything lightly. I hope this provides some good insight into everything that has been done.