Monday, August 9, 2021

Reset my last reset

On my last post I said that I had successfully brought the App-Port-Dev-Merge (UWP) branch up to speed by merging it with the Development branch.... Turns out I was not successful. The problem was when I soft reset my branch head to a different branch. That just caused a Git problem which was confusing. What we did was a hard reset to development, this made my branch the same as dev. From there we  merged the UWP branch and solved all the merge conflicts.

As of now, the code compiles but there are errors. The main problem I ran into is file pathing used to get some UWP files. Right now they are getting pulled directly in the Unit Test files and should be moved into GFile. I have a meeting with Chase tomorrow so that should clear up many things.

Another problem I ran into relates to the Xbox the school issued me. The problem is that when i try to run the code on the xbox i get an error saying that the code can not open the Windows store app. This may be due to me not having access to the sandbox. There is an account already on the xbox but it is logged off. I tried making my own account but I need permission from Microsoft to get access to the sandbox. Until I can get that resolved I will have to go back into the Desktop side.



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