Friday, August 19, 2022

Colby Peck - Gateware Week 18: Wrapping Up

The pipeline document is finished! It took quite a bit longer than I had hoped it would, but looking at it now, it’s a 27-page in-depth user’s manual for a CI/CD pipeline that spans four repos. I probably should have known it would take longer… In any case, any future CI/CD developers that join the Gateware team will have a thorough and useful reference guide on how the pipeline works.

That wraps up my penultimate week as a student member of the Gateware team. Next week is probably going to be spent primarily on writing up my postmortem. Right when you think you’ve escaped the documentation, there’s more to be had! If I manage some spare time in next week, I’ll probably be cracking open my mac to try and see if I can’t make any more progress on the ghost window issue.

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