Sunday, April 14, 2024

Month 5 - Week 1 - Finishing the WAV File Reader

 In the previous week, we discussed and showed the introduction to the WAV file reader I'm implementing. The goal of this reader is to allow WAV files to be universal in logic while retaining the cross-platform nature of supporting not just Linux or Windows, but UWP as well. I'm excluding Mac from this as it already has a native WAV reader provided, so we don't have to implement this, thankfully. Now, I showed the very early stages of this file reader, specifically its Linux and Windows implementation, and what was needed for that. Well, over this week, we added UWP support and a lot of work had to go into that. There were also changes made to the unit tests to support the new UWP usage, among many other things. There's a lot, but I will go over them as quick as I can while retaining the main bits of information.

Firstly, UWP's management for file reading was much different from Linux and Windows. Linux and Windows used GFile for most of the file handling and file communication, however, UWP used an internal Windows library that is within the File API. This API had many quirks that I didn't like, but at the time felt it had to be used, resulting in my reader class getting very cluttered upon initial implementation.

As you can see, there was a lot of code added, and this code specifically was just for opening the file. Some interesting things to note specifically with UWP's file handling:

  1. All files are stored as a handle that we pass to functions to perform actions we want. This isn't too unknown and is regular, but is normally hidden, meaning the library is even more low-level than regular filesystem code in C++.
  2. `SetFilePointer` on the surface looks to be like a form of seeking inside of a file, but is actually lower-level than that, it is a function that is used to make the seek function.
  3. All file paths have to be wide char paths, if they are not, it will fail to open outright.

In total, the File API worked with is extremely low-level and lightweight, but also more bare compared to traditional options. this meant more work had to be put in just to get the state of the UWP support 1:1 with the other platforms. Extra frustrating is that UWP didn't like working with GFile, so I had to take note and continue implementing using this interface. 

By the end of the implementation, it bumped the full source file from around 500 lines of code to over 700 lines. Most of the additions were all focused on preprocessor branching, platform checking, and platform-specific code. Not good since GFile is meant to prevent a lot of the IO branching I had to do. During the meeting, the code was shown in a working state on all platforms and was shown to do the job intended, but I brought this issue up, and we discussed fixes. By the end of the meeting, I was assigned to figure out why GFile was failing and fix it. That's exactly what I did.

I spent a long time simply debugging and understanding the issue. I removed all traces of the File API used and used GFile instead. Here are something interesting I found.

So, come to find out, this was a pathing issue. Something that was happening because GFile wants relative pathing to work with, not absolute pathing. What this means is the unit tests have to change since they give absolute paths to the audio files. We don't want that, we want it to work with relative paths. So, we have to update the unit tests.

So after making all the edits, updating some of the code to reduce branching, and removing all the File API code, the tests now work.

There's still some cleaning I have to do to the code itself before I commit, but once that is done, I can rest easy knowing that my file reader is now using GFile completely, and executing its functionality 1:1 with every platform. The last change needed is replacing the Windows structures used currently for the WAV header info with actual full and proper internal structures. This will remove more branching, and separate any dependencies for this WAV reading functionality. Luckily, this shouldn't take me long and should be a relatively smooth process in total. It will just take some time to fully implement. Overall, this is everything I worked on this week.

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