So, last week was spent primarily focusing on getting the setup process for Windows more fine-tuned for users to contribute towards the project. This was a rather important task, and a lot of time was spent getting everything done correctly, but last week was also the week that it was finally completed and merged. With that, this week was spent working on my first real feature. This feature is MSAA support for DX11. To implement this, it needs the whole package, unit testing, research, and actual implementation code to get working. A lot of time was poured into this, and a lot of research into MSAA in general. While I could explain the full workload that was taken for this, I will instead explain two problems I faced with the implementation, and what I did to figure it out and get it working properly.
One of the first steps was adding the values for MSAA to the allowed mask variable, but I also needed the sample count for whatever was passed. This process was fairly straightforward and provided little issue in the actual implementation.The second step was going through and altering the swap chain description and all texture descriptions to reflect the multisampling. This was also fairly straightforward as shown above. However, it was the code after this that proved to be more problematic.
Now, this image shows the solution, but to get the fix for this was a little troublesome. To explain what this is doing, I need to break down what I think is happening and what resulted in the code above. When I was initially implementing MSAA, I was running into a problem where the stencil view was failing to create, this was a constant error and had no obvious source other than the stencil view being null. Through the internet and discussing the problem with my mentor, I came to realize that the stencil view may not have a large enough buffer to hold all the pixels needed for the multisampling to work correctly. I looked around online and found a simple fix. By changing the view dimension from D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D to D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS, we can create a buffer that can store the appropriate amount of pixels. All we need to do is check if the sample is greater than one, one being no MSAA, if it is, then we set the view dimension of the stencil view to the proper setting so the multisampling works. After everything is implemented here, we now have MSAA.
This, of course, looks over the immense amount of work that was invested into the tests. There were almost 3K+ lines of code added just for the tests to ensure that MSAA was working properly, and there were many issues that came along the way with it.
A good example of the test code needing problems fixed is the one above. There was a problem I encountered with the tests I was doing when trying to do a test for MSAA x16. Although x16 MSAA has been around for a long time, modern GPUs will sometimes still lack the support for this level of MSAA, so what happens in the test is it will try creating an x16 surface for DX11, and immediately fail. A failed unit test is something we don't want, especially when it's a hardware limitation. So the way around this is to check for it. Normally, the REQUIRE statement would contain the create function call, and then we'd check the return immediately to see if it is a success, however, this has to be changed. What has to be done now is call to the surface, attempt to create it, and then check if the result is first a HARDWARE_UNAVAILABLE error. If this error is returned, then we can simply skip it because this isn't the fault of the test itself, but rather the hardware. Now, if the hardware is supported, this return from create will not occur, and we can REQUIRE the result is a success and nothing else. This problem took me a long time to handle. I had to research, redesign, and approach how to fix it. On a quick glance, the fix was probably easy to spot, but for me, just learning how everything works, I spent much longer on it than I would like to admit.
With that, however, everything else flowed smoothly and the implementation was rather easy, minus all of the writing time required for it. It was interesting learning all the internals of the library to get this working, and ensuring both the desktop version and the UWP version worked. All there is to do now is wait and see how the code review goes, and if any corrections are needed to be made.
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