I was planning on porting GFile to iOS, but my plans were derailed by XCode. Last week I had been trying to get XCode to recognize two separate targets in one project. I had achieved that task, but I had one other issue. XCode wanted to compile the iOS target as a 32-bit Mac executable. As such the symbols for iOS were not recognized and the build failed. And so I was stuck once again. The Unit Tests for Gateware's pure C++ code, which should run on anything that can compile C++11, was not even compiling due to this error.
Most of the compilation errors were from mismatching architectures. As such I resolved to fix this by creating a new iOS project via XCode and looking at what build settings were enabled by default, and matching those settings on the Gateware iOS target. After a lot of fiddling with the settings I had gotten the compilation errors down to just 6 parsing errors. These errors were just from the iOS specific classes. I had to change one final setting to resolve this error, the "hide Clang debug symbols" setting.
Once all of the settings were in order, I had one final task to complete to get the unit test app running in simulator. The "info.plist" file tells the iDevice what information to give to the installed app. I had CMake setup the app bundle name and version through a .plist template that CMake provides. After setting these two entries were filled, the app ran on simulator, and the unit tests for the Gateware Core and Math libraries ran and passed.
I hope to get more libraries ported over to iOS and this step in the process will help immensely with development and testing of the libraries.
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