Saturday, April 23, 2022

Learning basics of xaudio2 and Vulkan

 This week was a learning process, as I necessitated learning xaudio2 and Vulkan for the bugs I had to fix.

First I added a function to GVulkan surface to allow the user access to the depth image and view, which was a matter of figuring out which variable held the specific data needed for the return value.

The second bug I fixed took up the rest of the week, as it was hidden deep within GMusic's code. It ended up being in a lambda function which was a bit weird to debug, but was super quick once I had enabled all the necessary debug tools to point out the exact issue that had been occuring. What had been happening was xaudio2 was expecting a buffer that was a multiple of 6 for 24bit audio, and not a multiple of 4 for 16bit audio.

the fix for making sure the buffer was always a multiple of 6

After the GMusic bug was fixed, 24bit audio was able to be played inside GMusic!

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