Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bad code turns into Warnings, Warnings turn into Errors, Errors turn into Failures.

Week 1 and 2 were essentially for getting used to the code base and getting the other platforms set up and running. Running through the warnings on Windows was just like any other day, with a few weird exceptions. So then we moved to Linux. It wouldn't build for some of us and if it did build, it wouldn't run. So we moved to Mac. After taking some time to understand how this new IDE operators, and how Mac operates, we got to start looking at the warnings and there was very few...that we could fix. We tried fixing some, but when we did, well.. it just caused an error somewhere else. It was like were between a rock and a hard place. It's always frustrating to be in a productive environment and not feel like you are producing. This felt foreboding for what Gateware would be, but after talking to the team and beating our head against walls we started to get more comfortable and understanding of what we had gotten ourselves into. Moving on to our other tasks helped put us back on the positive mindset that we were finally getting work done again, and it felt good.

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